It has been well over a year since my last post and much has transpired. Most remarkably is the amount of growing that has happened in all aspects of life.
My children are amazing and exhausting all at the same time. Ella is now in fourth grade which puts her in my hallway. I find myself wondering how that has happened and proud at the very same moment. She is such a fun kid, full of personality, emotion, beauty, wisdom, and a sympathetic heart. She is open to new adventure and confident in a way that I admire. I love that she reflects on her behavior and tries her hardest (most times) to change things she knows need improving. She is such a good mixture of me and her daddy. This is another thing I marvel at and thank God every day for letting me have a , part in her creation. Grayson, on the other hand, is such an intelligent and sensitive young boy. He isn't always sweet at home, but his heart is tender and he cares. He still loves to snuggle and tells me daily that he "cries inside" because he misses me during the day. How long will that last? He is meeting new friends, reaching new goals, and conquering new fears on a daily basis. My baby is now in first grade.
I was able to finish another year of teaching which of course brought much learning. It was not the easiest of my years, but not even close to my hardest. Last year was one of growth on the professional level which was frustrating at times. The one thing I know for sure is that I love my kiddos no matter what the situation. We built relationships and learned things we thought we couldn't. And, this summer I prayed for a "new" kind of year and I feel God has provided just that. I was ready to return this month and I am eager to teach this new group of kids. This past summer provided many opportunities to see past students who made me feel ancient, but it was a good kind of ancient. I love hearing about their goals and seeing them (most of them) successful on their own.
Kermie and I just celebrated another year of married life... that makes 13 now. More like 18 if you count all the years we dated. That is over half of my life and this astonishes me as well! We most definitely get on each others' nerves on a daily basis, but we have a way of making it work. Bunking with someone of the opposite sex (and opposite personality/brain) is not easy. He is the dominate personality, fly by the seat of your pants, artistic, down to earth, and who cares about organization type while I am the check it off my list, slightly ocd, logical thinking, you tell me what to do, and believer in multiple chances type. They do say opposites attract. Each of our extremes help to balance each other and for that I am grateful. :) We get better at being together as each year passes. And, showing our kids a positive and realistic example of marriage is something we make a priority. I know that I pray for their future spouses frequently. Maybe our relationship will help them with theirs in the long run.
This past summer was one of the best yet! We did absolutely nothing and I tried to stay away from social media to focus on family time. I do feel that we were all able to meet each other on a new level and make more memories that didn't require any extravagant trips or adventures. I am a firm believer that less is more in most situations, so I am trying my hardest to keep that mindset and teach it to my own children. We live in such a corrupt and busy world now days and I know it is robbing our children of experiences and souls that can see past what the world says is important. There are many things available today that do make life more fun, but there has to be a balance in it all. And, that right now is the goal in our household... finding the balance.
If there was anything that I didn't look forward to about returning to school it was the busy lifestyle. I never want to be so busy that I forget to ask my family how their day was and see when they truly need me. When you have that type a, check list personality like I do, it is so hard to keep the balance and enjoy the present, so this is a constant struggle. I am learning, though, to let things go and enjoy what presents itself. Even at the ripe old age of 32, I am still finding myself and my purpose in every day. I love that it constantly changes and that there is always the thought that my best is yet to come.